Test your IPv6 connectivity.

Vaša verejná IPv4 adresa sa zdá byť

Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) appears to be AMAZON-02

Nebola zistená IPv6 adresa [viacej informácií]

You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 Internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.

To ensure the best Internet performance and connectivity, ask your ISP about native IPv6. [viacej informácií]

Your DNS server (possibly run by your ISP) appears to have no access to the IPv6 Internet, or is not configured to use it. This may in the future restrict your ability to reach IPv6-only sites. [viacej informácií]
Your readiness score
0/10for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only

Copyright (C) 2010, 2024 Jason Fesler. Všetky práva vyhradné. Version 1.1.1012 (8c9e716)
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